The corporate media is turning on President Biden.
Several stories dropped almost simultaneously this weekend that painted a picture of a cold, unfeeling, angry old Joe Biden —and they all came from the left.
Axios went after Biden’s temper; The New York Times attacked Joe for ignoring his seventh grandchild in Arkansas; and The Atlantic said Biden is just flat-out too old.
All from this weekend.
They've activated the hive mind to finally take out this bumbling fool.
— Citizen Free Press (@CitizenFreePres) July 10, 2023
From The Daily Wire:
The president’s refusal to acknowledge his seventh grandchild is well documented. That Biden is a fraud has been known since at least the 1980s. His temper has been seen with nearly every voter or reporter who has challenged him. The fact that Biden’s poll numbers are anemic and his cognitive ability seems to be declining by the day is nothing new for those who read conservative media.
Yet, for legacy media’s audience, this could come as quite a surprise. New York Times opinion columnist Maureen Dowd wrote, “The president’s cold shoulder — and heart — is counter to every message he has sent for decades, and it’s out of sync with the America he wants to continue to lead.”
In The Atlantic, Eliot Cohen wrote, “Joe Biden had the leading role in a crucial act in the grand story of America, and he played it with grace and honor. It is time for him to take a bow, accept the thanks of a grateful nation, and exit to well-deserved applause.”
In Axios, Alex Thompson effectively wrote a scathing profile of Biden as somebody with a short temper who belittles and bullies his staff. Again, Biden is the guy who got in a shouting match about his IQ with one voter, called another fat, and challenged him to a push-up contest, and has always been quick to snap when pressed against thorny issues by members of the press. He even told a blue-collar worker he was “full of s***.”
Biden’s approval numbers are currently near all-time lows at 41%.
Even More Evidence Legacy Media Is Getting Ready To Dump Joe Biden
— Daily Wire News (@DailyWireNews) July 10, 2023