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SLOPPY JOE: Biden Drops Bibi Bomb on Hot Mic After State of the Union [Watch]

By Eric Bolling Staff

While chatting with Sen. Michael Bennet (D-CO) after the State of the Union address, President Joe Biden was caught on a hot mic saying Benjamin Netanyahu needs a “come to Jesus meeting.”

Biden was quickly cut off by a staffer, but not before he finished the comment.


“I told him, ‘Bibi’ — and don’t repeat this, but ‘You and I are going to have a come to Jesus—’,” Biden began as an aide rushed over to stop him from saying more, exclaiming “Sir!” and whispering in his ear.

“I’m on a hot mic here,” Biden said adding “Good. That was good.”

Secretary of State Antony Blinken was withing earshot as well.

Watch the moment below:
