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Operation Keep Joe on His Feet: Biden Campaign Worried Joe May Slip, End 2024 Chances; Report

By Eric Bolling Staff

(Photo by BRENDAN SMIALOWSKI/AFP via Getty Images)

One step at a time, Joe.

According to an Axios report, President Biden’s campaign team is particularly worried that Joe is just one slip-and-fall away from being out of the 2024 race —so they’re doing their best to make sure he doesn’t slip.


This is real.

From Axios:

Driving the news: As voters express deep concerns about the 80-year-old president’s age and fitness for office, Biden’s team is taking extra steps to prevent him from stumbling in public as he did in June, when he tripped over a sandbag at the Air Force Academy.

  • With a physical therapist, Biden has been doing exercises to improve his balance as far back as November 2021.
  • Since his stumble in June, he has been wearing tennis shoes more often to avoid slipping — and using the short stairs on Air Force One, entering the plane on a lower deck than before.

Biden’s balance difficulties are likely the result of what his physician has diagnosed as “a combination of significant spinal arthritis” and “mild post-fracture foot arthritis.”

More over at Axios:
