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No, Joe —You Didn't! Bumbling Biden Claims He Cured Cancer, White House Edits Transcript [Watch]

By Eric Bolling Staff

While delivering remarks on mental health care at the White House on Tuesday, President Joe Biden made an audacious claim —one that was totally and utterly 100% false.

Joe said he cured cancer. It’s just the latest flub from the POTUS that his clean-up crew had to fix.


“One of the things I’m always asked is: You know, why — why Americans have sort of lost faith for a while on being — being able to do big things,” Biden began.

“If you could do anything at all, Joe, what would you do?”  he continued. “I said, ‘I’d cure cancer.’ And they looked at me like, ‘Why cancer?’ Because no one thinks we can. That’s why. And we can. We’ve ended cancer as we know it.”

The White House transcript amended Biden’s remarks, saying he said, “We can end cancer as we know it.”

Biden’s babysitters —ready to serve!

Watch the clip above.
