The Balance   |  

BOLLING OBLITERATES OLIVER! 'Johnny Boy Schilling for Terrorists,' 'a Half-Baked, Half-Funny Man' [Watch]

By Eric Bolling Staff

“You’re schilling for the terrorists!”

During Tuesday night’s episode of The Balance, host Eric Bolling was forced to respond to a clip from Last Week Tonight with John Oliver after the British late-night host used a clip of Bolling in a pro-Palestinian rant.


“John Oliver, the low-name recognition Brit comedian turned international global political pundit included us in his Hamas-defending monologue…John Oliver was trying to make the point that all Palestinians aren’t pro-Hamas. And to attempt to make his failed point, he used us as his example of how the media are getting it all wrong,” Bolling said, setting up the clip.

“For many commentators, all the citizens of Gaza are implicated in [terrorist] rhetoric, thanks to one key fact that you hear all the time,” Oliver says in his clip of Bolling explaining that the Palestinians elected Hamas.

Oliver tries to defend the Palestinian people —but ultimately fails.

Bolling goes on to blast Oliver —schooling him on how elections by a “plurality” work.

“It’s just math.”

Watch the brutal takedown above.
